Meet Alex:

Alex is the founder of the Health and Wellbeing Nutrition Practice, which has been created to bring evidence based nutrition advice and support to you.
With an MSc in Nutrition and Food Sciences from the University of Reading, Alex's work is client centred . She does not believe in 'one-size-fits-all' and works together with the person to better understand their needs and goals regardless of where they are in their journey.
She does not believe in quick fixes and is a firm believer that the best place to start in your healthy journey is to start making small but sustainable changes everyday.
Alex believes that good nutrition is for life!

Experienced in working with lifestyle change for a digital NHS weight management programme helping hundreds of men and women to revert their pre-diabetes status some of whom live with other existing health conditions such as:
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
You will receive personalised support to manage your weight, eat better, be more physically active, improve your sleep and reduce stress levels. Addressing these areas have been shown to reduce a person's risk of developing long-term health conditions. Prevention is key.
Support: Behaviour Change and FIT (Functional Imagery Training) practitioner
My work is centred on a person first approach and I work in a collaborative way, with a goal-oriented style of communicating with the purpose of evoking your personal motivation for change. I do this with an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. I have a weight inclusive approach.